4.05 Protection of Standpipe Inlets/Outlets

Reference: 2022 San Francisco Fire Code § 912 & 2019 NFPA 14 § 12.9

The San Francisco Fire Department requirements for the protection of standpipe inlet threads are as follows:

Existing Systems

I. Hose connections (inlet & outlet) for standpipes shall be equipped with an approved metal or plastic cap which can be removed and reused.

II. Unthreaded caps shall not be used.

Locking Caps

The San Francisco Fire Marshal approves the use of the Knox® fire department connection (FDC) and standpipe outlet locks in San Francisco. The use of Knox® FDC and standpipe outlet locks shall be voluntary and at the discretion of the building owner or authorized representative for existing buildings.

To restrict tampering with the FDC inlet hose connections and ensure an operational sprinkler/standpipe system for firefighters, the following structures shall be equipped with Knox® locks at the FDC inlet connections, unless exempted by written order of the Fire Marshal:

I. All newly constructed structures protected by an automatic extinguishing suppression system; and

II. Existing structures identified by the SFFD Fire Marshal’s Office (AHJ) as requiring the FDC and/or standpipe connections be protected by Knox® locks.

III. Licensed C-16 contractors can purchase the Knox® locks at KNOX and at Metro Fire & Security.