4.16 Sprinkler Systems in Existing Live/Work Occupancies
Reference: San Francisco Building Department Code Ruling: BC-502-1; 2022 NFPA 13
Purpose: The purpose of this bulletin is to provide design guidance to Live/Work occupancies existing prior to January 1, 2011 and regulated by local City ordinance.
I. An approved sprinkler system is required throughout R-2 Live/Work occupancies. The system shall meet the following guidelines:
A. The design criteria shall be Ordinary Hazard Group II as prescribed in 2022 NFPA 13.
B. Quick response sprinkler heads that are listed for the Ordinary Hazard Occupancies shall be used.
II. GENERAL INFORMATION: The design criteria of Ordinary Hazard Group II prohibit the use of either NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R as they deal only with light hazard occupancies. The criterion also excludes the use of residential sprinkler heads or plastic pipe as neither is currently listed for use in this hazard classification.