Fire Commission - September 26, 2018

Regular Commission Meeting

    Fire Commission Regular Meeting
    Wednesday, September 26, 2018 – 5:00 p.m.
    City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400  San Francisco  California  94102
    Item No.
    1. ROLL CALL
    President Ken Cleaveland
    Vice President Stephen A. Nakajo
    Commissioner Michael Hardeman
    Commissioner Francee Covington 
    Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese
    Chief of Department Joanne Hayes-White
    Members of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the Commission’s jurisdiction and does not appear on the agenda. Speakers shall address their remarks to the Commission as a whole and not to individual Commissioners or Department personnel. Commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with a speaker. The lack of a response by the Commissioners or Department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support of statements made during public comment.
    3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES [Discussion and possible action]
    Discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes.
    • Minutes from Regular Meeting on September 12, 2018.
    The Commission would like to recognize American Legion, Department of California, award recipients Firefighter Dewayne Eckert for his award as the Firefighter of the Year for statewide Community Service and Firefighter Paramedic Matt Lane for his award as the California Firefighter of the Year for Valor, along with Firefighter Steven Keller who will also be recognized by American Legion Local Post No. 456 for their actions during a structure fire where several rescues were made.
    Presentation from the Black Firefighters Association on their goals as well as an update on the San Francisco Fire Youth Academy.
    Report on current issues, activities and events within the Department since the Fire Commission meeting on September 12, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other government agencies and the public.
    Report on the Administrative Divisions, Fleet and Facility status, Finance, Support Services, Homeland Security and Training within the Department.
    7. COMMISSION REPORT [Discussion]
    Report on Commission activities since last meeting on September 12, 2018.
    Discussion regarding agenda for next and future Fire Commission meetings.
    Commission Meeting Schedule and Location
    The Fire Commission will meet regularly on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102. The second Wednesday in Room 416 at 9:00 a.m. and the fourth Wednesday in Room 400 at 5:00 p.m.
    Commission Office
    The Fire Commission Office is located at 698 Second Street, Room 220, San Francisco, CA 94107. The Fire Commission telephone number is (415) 558-3451; the fax number is (415) 558-3413. The web address is; Office hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
    Language Access
    Per the Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), Chinese, Spanish and or Filipino (Tagalog) interpreters will be available upon requests. Meeting Minutes may be translated, if requested, after they have been adopted by the Commission.  Assistance in additional languages may be honored whenever possible. To request assistance with these services please contact the Commission Secretary at (415) 558-3451, or at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.  Late requests will be honored if possible. 
    Information on Disability Access
    The hearing rooms in City Hall are wheelchair accessible.  The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center Station at United Nations Plaza and Market Street. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: #42 Downtown Loop, and #71 Haight/Noriega and the F Line to Market and Van Ness and the Metro Stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For information about MUNI accessible services call (415) 923-6142. There is accessible curbside parking adjacent to City Hall on Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue and in the vicinity of the Veterans Building at 401 Van Ness Avenue adjacent to Davies Hall and the War Memorial Complex.  For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 701-4485.
    To obtain a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the meeting, please contact the Commission Secretary at least two business days before the meeting at (415) 558-3451 to make arrangements.  Late requests will be honored, if possible.
    To assist the City’s efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illnesses, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.
    Policy on use of Cell Phones, Pagers and Similar Sound-Producing Electronic Devices at and During Public Meetings
    The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at Fire Commission meetings. Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic device.
    Documents for Public Inspection
    Documents referred to in this agenda, if not otherwise exempt from disclosure, are available for public inspection and copying at the Fire Commission Office.  If any materials related to an item on this agenda are distributed to the Fire Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials, if not otherwise exempt from disclosure, are also available for public inspection at the Fire Commission Office, 698 Second Street, room 220, San Francisco, during normal office hours.
    Know Your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance
    (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)
    Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.  For more information on your rights under the sunshine ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact the sunshine ordinance task force. You may contact the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator, as follows: Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, City Hall, Room 244, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689, Phone: (415) 554-7724, Fax: (415) 554-5784, E-mail: Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can be obtained from the Clerk of the Sunshine Task Force, the San Francisco Public Library and on the City’s Web site at
    San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance
    Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local policy or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code sections 2.100 – 2.160) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone (415) 581-2300, fax (415) 581-2317 and Web site:

    Wednesday, September 26, 2018 – 5:00 p.m. 
    City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 400, San Francisco, California, 94102
    President Cleaveland called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
    1. ROLL CALL
    Commission President Ken Cleaveland Present
    Commission Vice President Stephen Nakajo Present
    Commissioner Michael Hardeman Present
    Commissioner Francee Covington Present
    Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese Present 
    Chief of Department Joanne Hayes-White Present
    Mark Gonzales Deputy Chief - Operations
    Jeanine Nicholson Deputy Chief --Administration
    Dan DeCossio Prevention
    Tony Rivera Support Services
    Michael Cochrane Homeland Security
    Andy Zanoff EMS
    Khai Ali Airport Division
    Joel Sato Division of Training
    Assistant Chiefs
    Thomas Abbott Division 2
    William Storti Division 3
    There was no public comment.
    3. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES [Discussion and possible action]
    Discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes.
    • Minutes from Regular Meeting on September 12, 2018.
    Commissioner Veronese asked that the minutes be amended to reflect that he was in support of the retreat to review the Mayor’s priorities.  Commissioner Veronese Moved to approve the above meeting Minutes as amended.  Commissioner Hardeman Seconded.  Motion to approve above Minutes as amended was unanimous.
    There was no public comment.
    The Commission would like to recognize American Legion, Department of California, award recipients Firefighter Dewayne Eckerdt for his award as the Firefighter of the Year for statewide Community Service and Firefighter Paramedic Matt Lane for his award as the California Firefighter of the Year for Valor, along with Firefighter Steven Keller who will also be recognized by American Legion Local Post No. 456 for their actions during a structure fire where several rescues were made.
    This item was taken out of order to allow Firefighter Lane time to arrive at City Hall.
    Chief Hayes-White introduced the three members being honored by the Fire Commission and stated that she is very proud of them and she thinks they are very humble.  She acknowledged each one individually.  In regards to Dewayne Eckerdt, she mentioned that he entered the Fire Department in 2004 and he demonstrates an ongoing commitment to the safety, education of students throughout the City of San Francisco.  She touched on his involvement with the Alisa Ruch Burn Foundation and stated that he was the recipient of the American Legion, Department of California Firefighter of the Year award.  With regards to Matt Lane and Stephen Kelly, they are being awarded from the American Legion Firefighter and Firefighter/Paramedic of the year for an early morning residential structure fire on September 20, 2017, that they responded to and saved the life of a woman and a critically injured male.  Chief Hayes-White described the incident in detail.  Firefighter/Paramedic Lane reiterated his experience and stated that every day someone in the Department does something outstanding and just because you don't hear about, don't think it doesn't happen.  He confirmed that both victims survived.
    Commissioner Veronese acknowledged how proud he was and stated that they should be very proud of themselves and he appreciates all they do.
    Commissioner Hardeman thanked them for saving lives and for risking their own lives.
    Commissioner Covington congratulated them and stated she was happy that they were there and that everything worked out.  She also acknowledged the great work of the Burn Foundation and the very important endeavor of getting that presence in the SFUSD.  She thanked them all for their service.
    President Cleaveland mentioned that when he heard they were being recognized, he thought it would be a good idea for the commission to recognize them as well so the people of San Francisco can know what fine examples our Department has.  He commended them for their valour and for their service to the City.
    There was no public comment.
    Presentation from the Black Firefighters Association on their goals as well as an update on the San Francisco Fire Youth Academy.
    President of the Black Firefighters Association, Captain Sherman Tillman introduced the Youth Academy Director Tyrone Pruitt and invited him to provide information on the Fire Youth Academy.  He showed a video of some of the things that they have been doing over the past year.  Director Pruitt announced that it was a pleasure and honor to present before the Commission.  He thanked the Chief and Department for her support of the program.  He added that one of the traditions of the youth academy, other than building youth for a position in fire service and other careers, is they give them an opportunity to take on leadership roles and asked the youth academy members that were in attendance to come to the podium and introduce themselves and give a brief overview of their experiences and lessons learned from being members of the Youth Academy.  The members that were in attendance and spoke were:  Squad Leader, Hadil Florez, who gave an overview on the history and background and goals of the Fire Youth Academy; Joanna Lam, Christine Lo, Bill Wang, Irene Chhay, Paul Bustamante, Dimitri Weinstein, Diego Perez, and Rone Baker.
    Squad Leader Lt. Hadil Florez explained that the SF Fire Youth Academy was established in 2003 by the San Francisco Black Firefighters Association, under the leadership of its 1st Director Lt. Ethan Banford and Assistant Director, Inspector Tyrone Pruitt, until he took over the Director's position in 2004.  She mentioned the academy meets every Saturday except holiday weekends from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and is available for people ages 13 to 18 years old.  She described the curriculum provided and stated that they are an academically based program that models themselves upon the structure and rules of the SFFD and that 370 youth have gone through the program with 157 graduating from the Fire Youth Academy.  The other members also spoke on their experiences and lessons learned from the Youth Academy.
    Commissioner Veronese confirmed that the Fire Youth Academy is a 4-year program and that they also get exposure to the SFFD itself, by providing training and visits to various Stations.  They discussed recruiting and funding.
    Chief Hayes-White stated that she supports the program and was impressed to hear how articulate the members of the academy are.  She acknowledged Fire Marshal Pruitt’s dedication to the program and thanked them all for their time.
    Commissioner Covington thanked Assistant Fire Marshall Pruitt and the members of the academy and mentioned that she was the one who prompted the presentation as she thinks its importation to have a program like theirs where  young people can go to on a Saturday and learn all of the things that help them throughout life such as financial literacy and other life skills.  They discussed the type of equipment they have and the used items that the Department donates to the program which they are thankful for.
    Vice President Nakajo thanked them for their presentation and acknowledged how impressive the academy members looked in their uniforms.  He acknowledged the investment of the Black Firefighters Union puts into the program and the support of their parents.  He confirmed that there are currently 30 members in the program and that the Black Firefighters Union supplies their uniforms and provides the members' meals and $100.00 stipends, depending on their participation during the month.
    Commissioner Hardeman thanked them for their presentation and acknowledged the dedication of all involved and that no one is wasting their time by participating in the program and he will continue to support it as well.
    Commissioner Veronese confirmed that folks can donate to the organization through their 501c-3 by mailing donations to 4926 Third Street, San Francisco, CA, 94124.
    President Cleaveland commended each of the cadets and graduates on making it through a program that at times is really hard but that their life will be richer for the experience.  He also agreed that the word needs to get out so that more donations can happen and can flow into the Youth Academy.
    The meeting changed course and went back to agenda item 4, as Matt Lane entered the room.
    Captain Tillman stated that the Youth Academy is a very diverse group and members come from all over San Francisco.  He talked about events that have taken place over the summer including a backpack drive, a walk for sickle cell and a health fair for the neighborhood.  He acknowledged Earl Gage, who was the first black firefighter in San Francisco and without him, they would not be here and he thinks the city should honor him with a plaque, street name, building name or something to honor his memory. 
    Chief Hayes-White acknowledged the Black Firefighters Association under the leadership of Captain Tillman for the rebirth and stated that their new headquarters looks amazing.  She mentioned that Captain Tillman is the first President of the Black Firefighters Association that is also a member of Local 798, which says the Department has come a long way.  She mentioned that she is very proud of all the things that they are endeavoring to do and what they have already done.  Captain Tillman introduced his Executive Board that were able to attend the meeting which included Recording Secretary Firefighter, Jacob Pale; Sergeant of Arms, John Smith and Secretary, Antoine Davis.
    Commissioner Hardman was glad to hear that Captain Tillman was also a member of 798 because they all have a common bond and have the same goal.  He mentioned that he hopes by the time his grandchildren grow up, there will be opportunities that are equal for everybody.
    Commissioner Veronese stated that he met with Captain Tillman about a month ago as he was adjusting taking leadership of the AFA and he was really pleased to hear that he was also a member of Local 798 as they are also a great institution and he was glad to see him putting new effort behind growing the organization at a time when the African-American population in San Francisco is dwindling.  He stated that he was willing to work with the AFA to get a plaque or something meaningful to honor Earl Gage, the first black firefighter in the SFFD.  He concluded by stating what a great organization the AFA is.
    Commissioner Covington announced that when Commissioner Veronese gives his word that he is willing to help, which means if you are in the trenches, he will be there with you and she will also be there.  She congratulated Captain Tillman on having a new position and taking the bull by the horns and getting in there to do the work that still needs to be done.  She stated that she shared with Commissioner Veronese about how she’s been hearing over the years of her tenure on the commission, about the openness of the BFA and their willingness to help prepare anyone who is interested in being in the field, to help them prepare for exams and agility tests to get them in shape and encourage them no matter which community they come from, they have always had open arms.  She thanked them for being here today and stated she is very proud of them.
    Vice President Nakajo was impressed with the format of the new Executive Board and thought it was a good plan bringing in the young energy of the memberships in terms of the black firefighters.  He also agreed that something needed to be done to honor Earl Gage.  He touched on the consent decree and what it meant to all minorities.  He mentioned that he is willing to work with them as well.
    President Cleaveland thanked them for their presentation and their leadership and mentioned that they are an inspiration to all of us and to keep of the good work.
    There was no public comment.
    Report on current issues, activities and events within the Department since the Fire Commission meeting on June 27, 2018, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other government agencies and the public.
    Chief Hayes-White reported on events since the last meeting on September 12, 2018.  Chief Hayes-White stated that in regards to the budget, they are working with the Controller’s Office and the Mayor’s Budget Office on the final closeout of the fiscal year budget and they finished the fiscal year without any issues and are currently working on the carryforward of funds for projects and other expenditures that in in the process and will be completed in the 2018/2019 fiscal year.  She added that it is anticipated that the closeout and rollover of the funds for the department will be completed over the next few weeks.   She mentioned that the Department was awarded over $3 million in federal grant funds over the past few weeks for three separate grant projects, which included $399,562 for a new rescue boat, and $2,733,591 for the purchase of new rescue tools as well as new defibrillators for department apparatus.  She acknowledged all members that participated in securing the grant under the direction of the Deputy Director of Finance, Mr. Corso.  She mentioned that Mr. Corso was currently working on the job description for the grant writer and he will forward a copy to the commission when it is complete.  She touched on the Division of Training which included the bump up academy which currently has 23 members, an entry-level E.M.T academy; Officer Training Class and they are projecting an academy class of 54 H-2 firefighters in January of 2019.  Chief Hayes-White described events that she has attended during the reporting period, including a Global Climate Summit, an auxiliary water supply system meeting, a housing meeting to talk about the collaborative nature of the work that needs to be done in an effort to streamline the housing process and a fundraiser relay that raised funds for the Burn Foundation.  She acknowledged Chief Rivera and the San Francisco Fire Credit Union for their generous donations as well as the BFA for cooking dinner following that event.  She touched on the recent attendance at the National Fire Protection Association and touched on lessons learned and changes that will be made in the industry at that conference.  She mentioned other events that she attended during the reporting period.
    Commissioner Veronese confirmed that the Federal Grants that were just awarded must be used specifically for a rescue boat, rescue tools, and defibrillators.
    Commissioner Hardeman thanked Chief Hayes-White for her very good report and stated he enjoyed hearing about the grants.
    President Cleaveland thanked Chief Hayes-White for her report and commended her on working with the NFPA and improving standards for firefighter radios and he gave her kudos for leading that effort and making it happen.
    There was no public comment.
    Report on the Administrative Divisions, Fleet and Facility status, including an update on the Chief’s Residence, Finance, Support Services, Homeland Security and Training within the Department.
    Chief Nicholson reported on events for the month of August 2018.  She thanked Commissioner Covington for spearheading the retreat/special meeting yesterday.  In regards to the assignment office, she mentioned that the annual seniority list has been issued and vacancy bids will be happening soon, including the airport.  She touched on the recent promotions, including 5 captains, eleven H-4 inspectors, and 13 acting inspectors.  She touched on Support Services which included facility requests.  She covered the Bureau of Equipment where they recently received five wildland rigs from the State, which reduces the impact and wear and tear on the frontline rigs and the ability to help other departments in California, as well as ourselves when the disaster hits and they will have those rigs available for deployment.  She added that they have ordered six fire engines that are due to be delivered at the end of this year, that SJ Amoroso won the bid for the Ambulance Deployment Facility which is scheduled for opening in 2020 and that the AWSS needs to be expanded and will take a lot of funding and many years to complete and they are in conversation with the PUC to come up with ideas on this issue.  She talked about activity at the Training Division, including in-service training and the Fire Reserves.  She touched on Homeland Security and the preparations they are dealing with for upcoming events including Fleet Week.
    Commissioner Veronese asked for more information on the award that Chief Cochrane received for his response to the 911 incident in New York City, along with John Sikora and Jeff Morano.
    Commissioner Hardeman thanked Chief Nicholson for her report and was glad to hear the good news on the equipment.  He also mentioned that he recently heard on the television that people should not only have smoke alarms in their bedrooms, but also a carbon monoxide monitor.  He also was glad to hear that all 43 members from the 122 academy class made it through their first 6 months.
    President Cleaveland confirmed the hose tenders that were shown in the overhead would cost the SFFD approximately $1 million each which he announced was cheaper and quicker than spending billions on building new cisterns.
    There was no public comment.
    6. COMMISSION REPORT [Discussion]
    Report on Commission activities since last meeting on August 8, 2018
    Commissioner Covington thanked the Commission and commission secretary for their assistance in organizing the retreat.  She mentioned that she has heard from a few people regarding the retreat and that they have been extremely complimentary and that she thought it gave the commission an opportunity to talk about things that they don't ordinarily get a chance to talk about at length.  She also thanked everyone who attended and was glad to have heard some new voices, which she also thought was important, as well as the command staff and other members who contributed to a very rich exchange of ideas.
    Commissioner Hardman explained that because of the heavy traffic around City Hall because of the Dreamforce conventions, he took the streetcar down and was amazed at all the construction and big developments going in as well as having 170,000 people contributing to technology, he realized how lucky he was to not only have be born in San Francisco but to be able to live in the City
    There was no public comment.
    Discussion regarding agenda for next and future Fire Commission meetings.
    • Commission Retreat Action Items
    • Peer Support Resolution
    • MOU with GOTC
    • Drone Policy Update
    • Update on Station 5, 16 and location for a new training facility
    • Cancer Prevention Foundation update
    • Public Service Announcement thru SFGOV TV
    • Strategic Plan update
    • Chief’s appraisal
    • Amendments to the Disciplinary Process/Early Case Resolution
    • AB 3115
    There was no public comment.
    President Cleaveland adjourned the meeting at 7:27 p.m.