Reports & Resolutions Search Apply 2024 2024-03 Resolution NSF.pdf 2024-02 City EMT Ambulances.pdf 2024-04 Resolution COPE.pdf 2024-01 Resoluton Adobe Grant.pdf 2023 2023-01 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2023-02 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2023-03 resolution 2022 PORT SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM AWARD VALUED AT $112,500 FROM DHS.pdf 2023-04 resolution 2022 PORT SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM AWARD VALUED AT $485,610 FROM DHS.pdf 2023-05 resolution ASSISTANCE TO FIREFIGHTERS GRANT (AFG) PROGRAM FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,325,133.81 FROM FEMA.pdf 2023-06 resolution DONATION OF 500 SMOKE DETECTOR ALARMS AND 250 CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR ALARMS VALUED AT $22,482.50 FROM KIDD.pdf 2023-07 resolution TO ACCEPT GRANT AWARD VALUED AT $125,000 FROM THE CARESTAR FOUNDATION TO PURCHASE SUPPLIES AND SUPPORT THE STAFF OF THE SFFD TO PRODUCE AN EMS DATA EQUITY CONFERENCE PROJECT.pdf 2022 2022-02 Remote Meeting Resolution_0.pdf 2022-02 Remote Meeting Resolution.pdf 2022-03 resoluation teleconferenced meetings.pdf 2022-04 resolution teleconferenced meeting.pdf 2022-05 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-06 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-07 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-09 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-10 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-12 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf Public Notice - Notice of alternate location 10-12-22.pdf 2022-15 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-16 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting_0.pdf 2022-08 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting_0.pdf 2022-11 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting_0.pdf 2022-13 resolution teleconferenced and in person meeting.pdf 2022-14 resolution approving the H-9 classification.pdf 2021 2021-02 Remote Meeting Resolution signed.pdf 2021-03 APPROVING ADDENDUM TO PROCEDURAL RULES signed.pdf 2021-04 Remote Meeting Resolution (2).pdf 2021-05 Remote Meeting Resolution.pdf Resolution 2021-01 Ramaytush Lan Acknowledgement.pdf 2020 2020-01 FC Resoluiton Accepting Fema Funds for PPE (signed).pdf Resolution 2020-02 FEMA Mini pumpers.pdf 2019 2019-02 Commending CD1 for her service to the city and department.pdf signed resolution 2019-01.pdf 2018 Resoluiton 2018-04- Accecpt Federal Grant for Rescue tools.pdf Resolution 2018-01 Acknowledging the Heroic Efforts of Members.pdf Resolution 2018-02 Peer Support.pdf Resolution 2018-05- Accecpt Federal Grant for Rescue Boat.pdf Resolution 2918-03 Accept Roof Prop.pdf 2017 Resolution 2017-01 Harassment Prevention.pdf Resolution 2017-02 - FEMA Thermal Imaging Cameras.pdf resolution 2017-03 donate ambulance o'connell hs.pdf 2016 2016-01 FC resolution to accept funds from AAA_0.pdf 2016-02 FC resoluation to accept funds from Firemans Fund_0.pdf 2016-03 FC resolution to accept funds from Estate of Woo_0.pdf 2016-04 FC resolution to accept funds from Estate of Pastor_0.pdf Resolution 2016-05 (dive boat) signed.pdf Resolution 2016-07 (Donate retired pick-up truct to 798).pdf Resoluation 2016-06 (Purchase Fire Investigation Equipment).pdf Glossary of Terms