Verification of Employment
Effective October 10, 2012, Employment and Income Verification requests shall be directed to the new City-wide employment and income verification service called the "The Work Number". Because of this new process, neither Fire Department Human Resources nor Fire Department Payroll staff will be able to verify employment and income information. "The Work Number" is an automated service that provides instant employment and income verification. This fast, secure service is used when applying for a mortgage or loan, for reference checking, leasing an apartment or any other instance where proof of employment or income is needed. "The Work Number" can be used anytime, anywhere – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you are only requesting verbal employment verification, please contact the SFFD Human Resources Division at (415) 558-3615.
a), or
b) 1-800-367-5690
Verifiers will first need to register before they can obtain employment and income verification. Instructions and links can be found on "The Work Number" website or they can call: 1-800-996-7566 for assistance. However, because TALX ("The Work Number") is an EQUIFAX company, most verifiers are already registered with TALX. Verifiers will be charged a nominal fee to obtain this information.
For Employment Verification - Employees need to provide the verifier the following:
- "The Work Number" contact information above
- The employee’s Social Security Number
- City and County of San Francisco Employer Code: 11403
For Employment and Income Verification - Employees will need to provide the verifier the above information and the following:
- A signed consent form from the verifier, or
- A Salary Key. A Salary Key is a six-digit code the employee can set up in advance with "The Work Number". By creating and providing the verifier the Salary Key, the employee allows the verifier one-time access to the employee’s salary information. Employees must complete the following steps to obtain a Salary Key:
Step 1: Access The Work Number Options for Employees:
-, or
- 1-800-367-2884
Step 2: Enter the Employer Code: 11403
Step 3: Select “I want to provide proof of employment and income.”
Step 4: Employees will need to enter the following information to obtain a Salary Key:
- Employee ID Number: DSW ID
- Employee PIN: Talx PIN (same as the employee’s ePayroll PIN)
Step 5: Select “Prove Your Employment with a Salary Key.”
Step 6: Select "Create a Salary Key" and prepare to write down the six-digit number.
Step 7: Provide the verifier the following information:
- The employee’s Social Security Number
- City and County of San Francisco Employer Code: 11403
- The Salary Key (from Step 6)
- The Work Number Access Options for Verifiers:
-, or
- 1-800-367-5690