Antenor Molloy

Assistant Deputy Chief, EMS

Antenor (Tony) Molloy is a native of San Francisco. He attended San Francisco City College and graduated from San Francisco State University. He is also an experienced professional with 29 years of service in the San Francisco Fire Department, serving in numerous roles. Beginning as a firefighter, Tony advanced to Firefighter/Paramedic before specializing as a Hazardous Materials Specialist. In 2012, he was promoted to EMS Captain where he undertook training to become an Airport Rescue Firefighter at San Francisco International Airport. He has also worked as a Field Rescue Captain for five years and served over four years as the Section Chief of EMS Operations. Tony is an accredited Community Paramedic and has been instrumental in the Street Overdose Response Team and Street Crisis Response Team. Throughout his career, Tony has taken on a variety of roles with earnest dedication, always respecting the people he is pledged to serve.