Sample Tenant Fire Safety Disclosure Information (Building Owners)


Applies to all buildings with 3 or more dwelling units.

Building owner shall disclose fire safety information to new residents on or before they begin to live in the building and once a year thereafter.

The building owner may use a smaller version (approximately 8.5“ X 11”) of the Posted Disclosure Information sign as the first page that contains items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 of the code requirements below or the owner may create an alternate Disclosure Information that meets all the requirements below.

On a separate page, or on the back of page one, the building owner shall also provide a diagram of the resident’s unit showing the exact locations of all smoke and CO alarms.  Below the diagram of the unit, the building owner shall provide information on how to test the alarms and shall provide the date when the alarms were last replaced.  This information shall comply with items 5 and 6 below.

The Disclosure Information may also include any other information that would assist a resident to escape or prevent a fire in the building.

Disclosure Requirements. (409.2)

(a)   The following information (the "Disclosure Information") shall be disclosed to each resident of an Apartment House as defined in the Housing Code:

  1. The location of all fire extinguishers in the building, and the dates of last servicing;
  2. The location of all emergency exits in the building, and a statement that they must remain unobstructed;
  3. The location of all fire escapes in the building, and the dates of last inspection;
  4. The location of the building fire alarm system, the date when the building fire alarm system was last inspected and tested as required by Section 907.8.5 of this Code, and confirmation that the building fire alarm system is UL certificated under Section 907.7.4 of this Code, if applicable;
  5. The location of all smoke alarms in the resident's dwelling unit, instructions on how to confirm that the smoke alarms are in working condition, and a statement of when the smoke alarms were last replaced;
  6. The location of all carbon monoxide detectors in the resident's dwelling unit, instructions on how to confirm that the carbon monoxide detectors are in working condition, and a statement of when the carbon monoxide detectors were last replaced; and
  7. The phone number of the appropriate contact within the San Francisco Fire Department for reporting suspected violations of this Section 409. (Violation Hotline 415-558-3300)

Compliance Date = March 10, 2017