SFFD Baseline Fitness Assessment

SFFD Baseline Fitness Assessment is given four times during the course of the Academy, and measures Recruits physical fitness and capacity. The recommended levels serve as a guide for a starting point for fitness. Your ability to perform at or above the recommended levels is related to your chances to successfully complete the SFFD Recruit Academy.  All candidates will perform the following: 

  • 2 Mile Max Effort Run 

  • 2 Minute Max Push Ups 

  • 2 Minute Max Air Squats 

  • 2 Minute Max Pull Ups 

  • 2 Minute Max Sit Ups 

  • 2 Minute Max Distance Farmers Carry 

    • 2 Minute Max Burpees 

Run 2 Miles

Run 2 miles at a pace of 8 minutes per mile. 

Recommended:  <17 minutes

Push Ups

As many push-ups as possible in 2 minutes 

Recommended: 50 reps 

Push Ups
Standards Common Mistakes
Descend to a target no higher than three inches above floor Body not moving as one unit, elbows flaring too wide
Chest must hit target Piked body positioning
Body must move up and down as one unit Not fully extending are in top of push-up or lowering far enough

Air Squats

As many squats as possible in 2 minutes 

Recommended: 75 reps

Air Squats
Standards Common Mistakes
Feet just outside the shoulders Not making contact with ball
Hips slightly below the knee at the bottom of the squat  Hips not fully extended at top 
Can not use hands on quads/legs  Heels coming off ground 

Pull Ups

As many pull-ups as possible in 2 minutes 

Recommended: 3 reps

Pull Ups
Standards Common Mistakes
Chin over the bar No kipping
Palms facing away from face  Can not let go of bar
Arms must fully extend at bottom of pull up  Once you release your grip, your reps no longer count

Sit Ups

As many sit-ups as possible in 2 minutes 

Recommended: 55 reps

Sit Ups
Standards Common Mistakes
Hands crossing chest Hands over chest
Elbows must touch knees at top of sit-up  Hands behind head
Must fully descend onto ground at bottom of sit-up  Feet not flat on the ground

Farmers Carry

Goal is be able to go 400 feet without dropping dumbbells (or weight equivalent of ~40 lbs), must be completed in 2 minutes

Recommended: 400 feet

Farmers Carry
Standards Common Mistakes
Walking at a brisk pace (no running) Shoulders up
Not dropping dumbbells  Insufficient grip
Straight Arms  Heads and eyes not in forward direction

*If dumbbells are not available for Farmers Carry, the suggested alternate exercise is Burpees.  


As many burpees as possible in 2 minutes 

Recommended: 30 reps

Standards Common Mistakes
Chest to floor at the bottom  3 count burpee 
Chest to floor at the bottom  No jump
  Not completing a proper push up (all the way down/up, maintaining plank)