Medical Call Statistics

Each and every 911-call could potentially be for someone in a life-threatening situation.  Arriving quickly and safely to the scene, with first-responder professionals equipped with the essential medical supplies and rescue gear, can make the difference between life and death.  For this reason, and to ensure that patients receive the highest quality of care in the shortest amount of time, paramedic/EMT-staffed fire apparatus, which are more plentiful and usually are the first to arrive on-scene, are dispatched along with an ambulance on all emergency code 3 calls.

The Department responds to an average of over 73,000 EMS calls per year (more than 200 per day), and as of 2010, provides about 80% of the ambulance response in the City and County of San Francisco.

Fire Calls-for-Service (data set at external link through

This dataset includes all 911 fire unit responses to calls.  Each record includes the call number, incident number, address (block), unit identifier, call type and disposition.  All relevant time intervals are included.  Since this dataset is based on responses, there are records for each unit responding to the same call number.  This dataset also includes 911 responses by private ambulance companies.